Le Creusot to Bibracte
Posted on Jun 09, 2010 in category
This morning was a stock-take morning. We had to assess our schedule for the days ahead as Wendy heads off on the TGV from Le Creusot to Paris for 3 days. There are two stations at Le Creusot so you can imagine Lizzie's (GPS) cries of anguish as we followed road signs instead.
Burgundy is also noted for its barges along its canals. We came across a large German barge expertly manoeuvred into a narrow lock by two couples on the barge. The barge had on its deck a small row boat, bicycles and a small red car. These people were serious tourists.

Lock, stock and barrel on this barge.
We had time in Le Creusot itself where we briefly saw the crystal factory built during Louis XVI's day but was turned into a metal/arms factory from the Napoleonic era and beyond. It's now an ecomuseum honouring the metal and coal industry workers from the past. It was closed as was the Tourist Information Service for lunch from about 12.30 to 2.00. Very civilised!

Note the two 18th century cannon growing in the 'jardin'.
If you can't beat, join them so we headed off to find a cafe with wifi: one, to finish yesterday's blog entry; two, to enjoy a light French lunch. We achieved both by refraining from the normal fixed price three or more course 'menu'; instead, we ordered a terrine with a larger salad, sparkling mineral water and a single 'pomme' or apple tart dessert which we shared. 'Bon appétit!' Wifi pronounced 'we/fee' was free of charge. Yes we could learn a thing or two from the French!
The TGV service is amazing here. The 'grand' size of the carpark in this small country town and the large number of cars in it made us realise that a lot of people commute to Paris from here- an hour trip away. In fact, my car journey back to Bibracte's Research Centre at Glux-en-Glenne took only a little less time than Wendy's TGV trip to Paris that late rainy afternoon.
Dinner at the Research Centre consisted of a red cabbage salad, fish and vegies, a bread roll with brie cheese and a beer. Coffee and tea are always on hand too. Once again a group of primary school students were dining in the cafeteria too. Great stuff.
I headed back to my room to finish this blog entry. Tomorrow morning I intend to catch up with Joelle at the Head Office, return to the Bibracte Museum to see the ground level exhibits and to view the temporary exhibition on the Gaul's fascination with heads. In the afternoon after lunch (of course!) and weather permitting, I'd like to further explore Mont Beuvray's oppidum. One can get lost up there so I'll make sure I have a map handy, a full water bottle, hat, wet weather gear and some energy food like an Aussie muesli bar. My favourite navigator won't be with me tomorrow so I'll have to improve my geography skills enormously. A big day at the office!
I'll leave you with a few more pics of Burgundy we've taken over the last few days.

Both Wendy and I agreed that the bread from this boulangerie in Poligny-sur-Auxois is the best that we have ever tasted. Manna from heaven.

A centrally-placed War Memorial in Poligny-sur-Auxois. Some 24 men were killed in WW1.

The solid gold torc that graced the neck of 'The Lady' of Vix (Chatillon-sur-Seine Museum)
Au revoir mes amis.